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Church Education

Celebrating “Amazing Grace”

  By Ben Kupiszewski Grace is no stranger among the pews of our churches. A perennial concept, it is explicitly preached, if not consistently alluded to, most Sundays across denominations. Perhaps more than anything else, the idea of God’s lavish favor poured out to redeem us undeserving sinners is the distinguishing feature of Christianity in

How to Pick a Winning Children’s Ministry Curriculum

  Is finding a new curriculum on your mind? Consider these factors to ensure you choose the best fit for your ministry. It’s that time of year when thoughts of curriculum are bouncing around in kidmins’ heads. Is what we’re using working? Is it time for something new? What else is out there? Is it

Intergenerational Sunday School: Choosing and Using Curriculum

By Melissa Cooper You’ve heard it’s a good idea. You read a book and a few articles. The church leadership is on board. You’re going to do it: intergenerational Sunday school. Intergenerational discipleship is one of the greatest challenges churches are facing today. But should it be? While our generations are more divided than ever

10 VBS Ideas to Infuse Strategic Thinking Into Your Church

By Scott Ball As a kid, I have very few memories more vivid than of spending a week in Vacation Bible School. I would attend two weeks: one at my church and one at my best friend’s church. I remember the week at my friend’s church the most because it was different. As a part

How to Choose the Best Sunday School Curriculum

By Nathan Johnson Finding the best Sunday School curriculum can be a challenge. It’s not for a lack of options. It’s more often for lack of clarity. Amidst all the options, what should you really be looking for in your next choice of curriculum? I’ve been involved in Sunday School ministry for more than a

Church Summer Reading Programs for Children

By Kristin Charles Libraries all over the nation conduct summer reading programs, so why shouldn’t we? There is a plethora of quality literature out there and children looking for something to do. All they need is a little encouragement! Goals Summer reading allows children to maintain skills and develop a lifelong love for books. Reading

9 Practical Tips for Teaching Vacation Bible School

By Brandon Bramlett Being one of the greatest evangelistic outreaches from the local church, Vacation Bible School takes a lot of planning, promotion, and preparation. There are cooks, counselors, decorators, teachers, and many other positions to fill to make VBS a success. I have a passion for teaching and for training teachers, and below I

10 Keys for Evaluating Children's Ministry Curriculum

By Steven Knight When was the last time you evaluated your children’s ministry curriculum? If it’s not quite as effective as you would like, then perhaps it’s a good time to take a look at other curriculum options. If you’re not sure where to start, then take a look at these 10 keys for evaluating