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The Power of Video Content Delivery

  The broadening impact of digital video across the world is only accelerating, with religious, spiritual, and faith-based communities benefiting enormously from the reach and value of video engagement. Research reveals that demand for religious video content is growing quickly, with about a quarter of U.S. adults regularly streaming content to enrich or substitute for

Design Trends That Will Enhance Your Mission

  Times are changing rapidly, and the way Americans engage with religious institutions reflects that. To meet these changing times, churches need to balance the traditions that define them with trends that keep them relevant. Construction projects bring these competing ideals to a head, but you don’t have to navigate these challenges alone. In the

Stage Lighting for Smaller Venues

  The transformative power of dynamic lighting is not just reserved for grand theaters. Smaller spaces like the community church or multi-purpose room also have the potential to radiate dramatic lighting, rivaling even the most extravagant houses of worship. But achieving this transformative effect requires more than just hanging a few lights; it demands meticulous

Church Shuttle Bus Risk Management Camera Systems

  Church shuttle bus applications are the new “Highway Lottery” targets. The term “Highway  lottery” was used in the 1980s for those who would use any excuse or opportunity to try to capitalize on the highly valued public relations image of large corporations like UPS, McDonalds, Coke and many other companies whose company logo was

Starting a Green Team at Your Church

  A Green Team (or Environmental Stewardship Team or Creation Care Committee) is a core group of people in a congregation who are committed to raising awareness about the urgent need to protect God’s Creation and to work for environmental sustainability and responsibility. Green Teams develop sustainability in church life by increasing energy efficiency and

Why Is the Preschool Ministry Important?

  Preschool ministry is vital to the church because children are a vital part of the church. After picking up my five-year-old son from children’s church one Sunday, he took off running and cut off an older couple who were gingerly making their way to the car. Horrified, I apologized to the woman. The white-haired

Word of Life Christian Center

Word of Life Christian Center in Newark, Delaware, worked with Nowland Associates on a café and outdoor patio project. This 4,600-square-foot renovation consisted of demolishing the existing bookstore, conference room and baptism space to create a new café and gathering space. This new enlarged space received all new finishes, lighting, a self-serve coffee bar and

Working Smarter with Your Giving Provider

  Giving is a central component of being part of the church. Not only is giving an essential act of worship, it is an investment in the ministry the God performs through the church. Online or digital giving is important in the health of all churches. The great news is that there are many choices

Indoor Sports Flooring 101

  The path to choosing the right sports surface can be overwhelming because there are so many factors to consider and weigh. The most important question is to ask is, “For what purposes will the floor be used?” Facilities must strike a delicate balance between the variety of uses. Evaluate each flooring option with the

6 Essential Worship Microphones and How They’re Used

  One question that we get every day is, “What type of mic should I use for ____?” There are so many loaded opinions about this, not to mention an overwhelming amount of options from which to choose. The type of microphone that you use in a worship environment matters. Using the wrong microphone can
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