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Immersive Audio for Worship Spaces

  You’ve probably heard the term “immersive audio” in relation to elaborate stage productions or large-scale venues like the Las Vegas Sphere. However, this technology is not just for artistic purposes or limited to exclusive venues. Immersive audio is scalable, accessible, and useful to venues of all types. Let’s look at immersive audio and how

Overcoming Acoustic Challenges

  In houses of worship, audio clarity is essential for community and connection. To engage with the message, the congregation must hear both speech and music clearly. However, worship environments often face unique acoustic challenges due to design considerations of the buildings themselves. Many sanctuaries are designed to impart a sense of awe, with high

Celebration Center Integrates Cutting-Edge A/V and Acoustics

  Originally built in 1917, First Lutheran Church in Fargo, North Dakota, has served as a rock of solace, inspiration, spiritual training and community service for more than 100 years. In 2017, continued parish growth and a need to modernize its original facilities inspired Senior Pastor Corey Biertness and his dedicated assembly of pastors to

Improving Church Acoustics & Soundproofing

  Houses of worship are multi-purpose spaces designed to bring communities together. It’s important for people to be able to clearly hear speakers, each other, and the music to help build that connection. Churches also have many rooms that serve different purposes. Each of these spaces pose different acoustical challenges, and finding solutions depend on

Clearly Hearing the Word

  By John Calder In the beginning was the Word… It was followed many years later by the realization that room acoustics affect listeners’ ability to clearly hear spoken words. Houses of worship have progressed over many centuries from caves to cathedrals, from small groups to mega-churches, all in the service of the spoken word.

A Church Remodel to Serve a Multi-Generational Congregation

  Although church attendance has been down due to the pandemic, churches and businesses are still investing in projects of all kinds. Ridgecrest Baptist Church chose to do this project to help reach more and more people of all demographics. While it is helping them during the pandemic, it will also continue to help them

Converting a Multipurpose Room into a COVID-Friendly Space

  By Mark Rustad As America works to rebound off the Coronavirus and open our lives back up, questions remain as to the safety and health of all commercial spaces. American ingenuity has begun to kick in, as these spaces become redefined and re-purposed for use. Case in point would be a larger gymnasium space

Acoustic Design for Multipurpose or Repurposed Worship Spaces

  By John Stein As malls empty out, these retail spaces are being repurposed, and churches are taking advantage. Worship spaces are a common reuse for these abandoned stores, gyms and restaurants. It’s almost commonplace now to see faith communities worshiping in repurposed gyms, shoe or sporting goods stores, even movie theaters. One clear consequence

Learn About Your Room’s Acoustic System – and How to Improve It

  By Jim DeGrandis Ever wonder why some rooms sound better than others? What components contribute to perception of sound in a space? What knowledge do you need to solve the sound problems that you have? The System When people read the heading “The System,” there will be a great number who assume I am

AmpliVox Helps Illinois Church Overcome Acoustic Challenges

Today, churches are increasingly built with acoustics in mind, to address the acoustic challenges associated with larger and more complex structures featuring high angular ceilings, tall blank walls, large windows, decorative architectural features, and significant variations in size from one room to another. And, in addition to the challenges of the church structure, today’s religious

How to Get Amazing Sound at Any Church

By Jim Schwenzer As AV professionals, when we think of a megachurch, we typically don’t visualize the size of the building first. Rather, we think of the production quality – the visuals, the sound, the energy – that charges the worship experience. Megachurches didn’t get big and then improve their production. They grow by presenting

Broadway United Methodist Church Upgrades to Martin Audio

CCI Solutions recently completed an audio-video-lighting renovation for Broadway United Methodist Church in Bowling Green, Kentucky, that included a complement of Martin Audio CDD-LIVE speakers and CSX-LIVE subwoofers. Duke DeJong, vice president of sales and integration for CCI, describes the space as “a more traditional sanctuary that exists in addition to a larger, more contemporary

How to Favorably Affect Acoustics

By Andrew Glasmacher Church architecture has evolved over thousands of years with many different faiths affecting the appearance and utility of religious buildings. Today, houses of worship range from very small and simple structures to grand and ornate cathedrals and temples. A variety of materials such as stone, brick, concrete, hardwood, and glass are used
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