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10 Reasons Churches Pay Too Much for Insurance

  By Terry Brown Whether you’re responsible for a large city congregation or a small, local ministry, ensuring that your church is properly protected by insurance is a vital consideration. Coverage of buildings and contents will help you recover quickly from incidents large or small, while liability protection will provide extra security in today’s litigious

Property Insurance Coverage Limit Keeping Up with Inflation?

  By Steven Elkins As inflation rates continue to rise, churches and other ministries could be underinsured if they don’t keep up with the changing replacement costs of their buildings. Property valuation is one of the most critical but often overlooked aspects of insuring a ministry. To make sure your ministry is adequately insured, you

Do You Make These Mistakes When Planning Youth Mission Trips?

  The No. 1 priority should be to keep youth members safe. Here are three common mistakes that could put them at risk. Lack of Planning and Preparation Even if your group is full of missionary veterans, without careful and detailed planning, even the most experienced members can get tripped up. Here are some areas

Communicating Property Management Best Practices

  Make your property safety and maintenance plans more effective with clear communication. Property claims are the most common ones we see, but a few proactive conversations and preparation can go a long way toward keeping your sanctuary as safe as possible. Building stronger communication with your team in the following two areas can help

When Mulling Extension Ministries, Take Time to Assess Your Risk

  By Steve Follos Many churches are looking for potential new sources of income as they worry about how to bridge the gap between declining plate contributions and rising operating costs. Because churches often include multiple buildings, it makes sense to look at ways to maximize the use of these properties. As a result, it’s

Shepherding the Flock Away from Cyberattacks

  By Matt Olphin We have exited a year that has become synonymous with change, and while its end came with a brief sigh of relief, the events of 2020 will continue to challenge and change how many worship centers operate for the foreseeable future. Faith communities have been creative in their determination to worship

As the Doors Reopen: Finance and Risk Management

  By Andy Whaley For the first time in our lives, churches across the country have had to forego in-person services for several months. Many learned to pivot and reinvent themselves with livestream services and other creative methods to provide a weekly church experience. Fortunately, most churches stepped up and found new, innovative ways to

5 Questions to Ask Before Live-Streaming Worship Services

  By Shawn Yingling Many religious organizations are turning to alternative means for their congregations to “communally” practice their faith. From drive-in movie theaters to podcasts, faith leaders are finding creative solutions. Live-streaming services is one of the easiest ways to keep the faith going. With today’s technology and video streaming sites, it doesn’t require

Often Overlooked Coverages for Expanding Churches

  By Shawn Yingling As a leader of your church, you know how crucial it is to safeguard your congregation. Your members represent your church’s mission and they carry the message forward. Protecting them is one of your most important responsibilities. But when it comes to insurance, many churches only think about protecting their building

Church Insurance 101: Your Questions, Answered

Technology, your budget, and even your church facility: these are all things that can heavily influence insurance for your faith-based building. If you’re wondering how, you’re not alone. Understanding church insurance can be complicated, but once you gain clarity, the benefits can be powerful. In this article, you’ll find helpful insight into church insurance and

Buying Insurance for a Mission Trip

  A cell phone network that works great at home may not offer the kind of coverage you’re used to when you travel. In the same way, insurance that meets your needs in your hometown may not fit the bill when you are on the road or across the ocean. For this reason, most mission

How to Protect Your Church with the Right Insurance Policies

By Matt Simon Churches or houses of worship are busy places, and Sunday isn’t the only day that visitors are in and out of your church. With Bible studies, prayer groups, daycare centers, preschools and community meetings, your church has a constant flow of people coming in and out. In fact, when you start looking

The Need for International Coverage

By Mark Sneed When traveling overseas on either a short-term mission trip, or on a long-term basis, traditional U.S. health insurance plans will most likely not meet your needs. Geographical exclusions and provider limitations common to these policies will restrict or even eliminate the health insurance coverage available to you while you are outside the

Faith-Based Nonprofits and Insurance Limits

By Peter A. Persuitti We are witnessing unrelenting pursuit by stakeholders and victims, seeking reparation for alleged wrongdoing done by a nonprofit, its staff, volunteers or board members. Some of the revelations come after years of latency from past actions; others are triggered by a fast-moving social media frenzy that changes our perspective in a

A Changing Church: 7 Times to Update Your Insurance

By Shawn Yingling When attracting new members and working to keep current members happy, church leaders often look to update their worship centers with modern amenities, plan community events and engage in other initiatives designed to increase engagement. While it might not be at the forefront of a busy church leader’s mind, every time there
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