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How Your Church Can Elevate Its Worship Online

  By Russell St. Bernard How we worship has been fundamentally transformed. Hybrid worship, meaning online and in person, now provides congregants with greater access to and choices of places of worship. For pastors and faith leaders, one of the key takeaways is this: Hybrid worship is here to stay. Hybrid ministry existed before 2020,

5 Steps to a Successful Outdoor Church Service

  By Drake Hoffman Doing church outdoors is not as easy as just transitioning to being outside. It takes planning, communication, and a lot of grace. Hopefully, as church leaders, you can work together with your staff and team of volunteers to make the outdoor worship experience the best it can be. Involve Others As

Achieve Your Hybrid Worship Goals with a Connected Ecosystem of AV Tech

  While there was a time when hybrid worship appeared temporary, 81% of churches now say they will continue offering services in a hybrid format for the foreseeable future. Expanding both in-person and remote attendance levels can be challenging. Growing both audiences centers on creating an engaging worship service and building a sense of community

Our Best Tips for Outdoor and Drive-In Worship Services

  Parking lot services. Drive-through worship. Whatever you call it, these outdoor events that largely started during the pandemic have stuck around, due to their popularity with worshippers. With the weather warming up, you’re probably ready to take Sunday mornings back outside. Use a Mobile Stage While simple outdoor services can be held in drive-in

Creating a Successful Hybrid Worship Experience

  By Graham Sharp Hybrid worship, a blended approach to in-person and online ministry, has proven to be an effective way for churches to increase their audiences through video. The hybrid worship approach provides an accessible and welcoming way for all people to join your faith community, regardless of location. It also presents the opportunity

How to Make Your Outdoor Service Sound Great

  By Brandon Parrish Outdoor venues provide a variety of fun challenges to overcome. Back in biblical times, all you needed was a lake and a sturdy boat to get your message to the masses. In our modern era, we have complicated things a bit more, so there are a few more elements to bear

How to Create Engaging Worship Experiences in the Age of Live Streaming

  By Drew Gula The world has yet to fully recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, and one takeaway we’ve all experienced is the old idiom that “no man is an island.” The need for connection has never been greater, and that’s particularly true when it comes to our spiritual lives. Attending church is about more

When Is a Worship Service Like a Prius?

  By Belinda King Most people are familiar with hybrids: cars, for example. Hybrid cars run on two different kinds of fuel — electricity and gasoline. But as we slowly rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic, another kind of hybrid emerged: hybrid worship. Many congregations that scrambled to improve their digital presence during COVID have been

Online Church vs. Traditional Church

  Corporate worship has been an essential function of a church gathering since the first century. In the Epistle to the Colossians, the apostle Paul encourages believers to gather together by “singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” For many churches, the worship portion of a weekly service

Considerations for Hybrid Worship

  By Eric Doss The pandemic has been a time of loss, of change, and of opportunity. For faith communities, it has shown that you do not have to be in the sanctuary or even the same physical space to worship together. As many can return to the sanctuary in the coming months, we must
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