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Why Is the Preschool Ministry Important?

  Preschool ministry is vital to the church because children are a vital part of the church. After picking up my five-year-old son from children’s church one Sunday, he took off running and cut off an older couple who were gingerly making their way to the car. Horrified, I apologized to the woman. The white-haired

What Is Your Goal for Children’s Church?

  By Heidi Franz We were meeting because she wanted to know more about quality children’s church curriculum. She sat across from me, eating her toasted bagel, hoping that as a writer of both academic and Bible curriculum for preschool-aged children and as a leader of preschool worship at my church, I would be able

Intergenerational Sunday School: Choosing and Using Curriculum

By Melissa Cooper You’ve heard it’s a good idea. You read a book and a few articles. The church leadership is on board. You’re going to do it: intergenerational Sunday school. Intergenerational discipleship is one of the greatest challenges churches are facing today. But should it be? While our generations are more divided than ever

How to Choose the Best Sunday School Curriculum

By Nathan Johnson Finding the best Sunday School curriculum can be a challenge. It’s not for a lack of options. It’s more often for lack of clarity. Amidst all the options, what should you really be looking for in your next choice of curriculum? I’ve been involved in Sunday School ministry for more than a

10 Keys for Evaluating Children's Ministry Curriculum

By Steven Knight When was the last time you evaluated your children’s ministry curriculum? If it’s not quite as effective as you would like, then perhaps it’s a good time to take a look at other curriculum options. If you’re not sure where to start, then take a look at these 10 keys for evaluating

The Value of Your Sunday School Ministry

  This article originally appeared in the October 2012 issue. By Mimi Bullock Mimi Bullock writes for, a resource started by Tony Kummer to solve children’s ministry problems. There has been a lot of discussion in my circle of friends recently about the necessity of Sunday School. I’ve been working in children’s ministry for
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