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Why Is the Preschool Ministry Important?

July 10, 2024 jill Blog
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Preschool ministry is vital to the church because children are a vital part of the church.

After picking up my five-year-old son from children’s church one Sunday, he took off running and cut off an older couple who were gingerly making their way to the car. Horrified, I apologized to the woman. The white-haired saint hunched over her walker to grab my arm. She said something I will never forget. “You do not need to apologize. This is their church, too. The littles running these halls are a sign of a healthy church.”

While my son learned a lesson about looking out for senior saints, I learned to remember that children, with all their crazy energy, are a blessing to the whole body of Christ. This encounter was a chance for my son to remember to be careful where he runs and an opportunity for me to remember that children are not “in the way” at church.

Children are often the liveliest part of the church. They should feel welcome just as Jesus welcomed them in Luke 18:16; “Let the children come to me.”

With these words, Jesus encouraged children’s natural curiosity and invited them to come to Him to learn and grow, right alongside the adults who were learning at His feet.

Isn’t Jesus the safest place to go with our questions and problems? Don’t we want our children to know that? Jesus welcomed the children and their simple, uncomplicated faith. So should we.

Children’s ministry is a crucial way we welcome children. It is a place for them to participate and hear God’s Word in a way that engages them. The wonderful truths of Scripture are written intentionally for people of all ages.

In children’s ministry, we have a precious opportunity to share Jesus with our kids during these most formative years of their lives in a way they will understand.

Welcoming children starts at the earliest ages. Preschool ministry is a unique bridge that connects nursery playtime and elementary instruction. A child is typically ready for a classroom between the ages of three and five.

While this age is primed for discovery, allowing a child these years to build social and classroom skills is important. A class geared toward preschool age eases a child from free play in the nursery to more structured teaching in a classroom.

This class for preschoolers should include Bible lessons that teach the deep truths of Scripture in age-appropriate ways. It should also allow time for learning through intentional play.

Engaging lessons, paired with the love of a patient teacher, will help a child develop a desire to learn about Jesus. Knowing Jesus and what He has done for us is the most valuable foundation we can offer children.

As your church seeks to minister to preschool-age children, here are important things to consider when choosing a curriculum:

  • Is it Christ and Bible-centered?
  • Is it age appropriate?
  • Does it cover truths that will aid our children in understanding the basics of faith?

Preschool ministry is vital to the church because children bring life and joy to the body of Christ. Children matter to God, and they encourage older believers with their simple, uncomplicated faith. As you invest in the littles of your church, may your joy and faith-filled moments grow.

Beth Horst is the program leader of Word of Life’s Gopher Buddies ministry. The mission of Word of Life Fellowship is the evangelization and discipleship of youth through various means consistent with the Holy Scriptures to strengthen and build up the church of Jesus Christ,

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