Design Trends That Will Enhance Your Mission

  Times are changing rapidly, and the way Americans engage with religious institutions reflects that. To meet these changing times, churches need to balance the traditions that define them with trends that keep them relevant. Construction projects bring these competing ideals to a head, but you don’t have to navigate these challenges alone. In the

Word of Life Christian Center

Word of Life Christian Center in Newark, Delaware, worked with Nowland Associates on a café and outdoor patio project. This 4,600-square-foot renovation consisted of demolishing the existing bookstore, conference room and baptism space to create a new café and gathering space. This new enlarged space received all new finishes, lighting, a self-serve coffee bar and

Auburn Community Church

  Auburn Community Church in Auburn, Alabama, began with a group of families committed to doing church differently, regardless of where they gather. Established in 2014, the church has held Sunday gatherings in many different locations, including other churches, a hotel, basketball arenas, a livestock arena, and fields. Running four services each Sunday to accommodate

White Memorial Presbyterian Church

  Clancy & Theys Construction Company worked with White Memorial Presbyterian Church in Raleigh, North Carolina, providing construction management services for a new addition and renovation. The project includes a 16,433-square-foot expansion adding additional sanctuary/flex space, dedicated youth space with new classrooms, and a full commercial kitchen. In addition to the expansion, Clancy & Theys

Critical Mistakes Churches Make When Planning to Build

  Churches looking to build must learn how to be a good stewardship of the construction process. However, some lessons are learned tougher than others. In my 23 years of observation and experience in church capital expansion, there is one critical error that repeats itself over and over.  It is the reason why most church

5 Church Design Trends Making Waves in 2024

  “Well, looks like we’re back in style!” Pastor Joel laughed as he looked at his 75-year-old church building in the middle of a quaint neighborhood. Huge, cathedral-like windows adorned the northern wall. A wide-open sanctuary with a highly vaulted ceiling welcomed worshippers and provided space for remote workers. Some repairs were needed, but the

Holy Family Church

  W2A Design Group provided full architectural services for a new 18,000-square-foot parish center for Holy Family Church in Nazareth, Pennsylvania. The main component of this parish center is a new 240-seat, 5,000-square-foot banquet hall. The hall can be subdivided into a 1,400-square-foot luncheon room specifically designed to provide a more intimate setting for funeral

King's Way United Methodist Church and Pavilion

  For over 60 years, King’s Way has been blessed to see God work in amazing ways through this church in Springfield, Missouri. What started as a small gathering has become a large church for people to worship Jesus Christ and experience God’s unfailing love together. Lives are being transformed through the work of God’s

First United Methodist Church of Sealy

  FUMC Sealy, Texas, was established in 1939 with the mergers of several churches. The current sanctuary was constructed in 1956. In large measure, it had not changed much until its 2018 renovation. The building and interior of the sanctuary was still in use but experiencing many repercussions of aging, including roof leaks, mold, and

First Baptist Church of Covington

  At First Baptist Church of Covington in Covington, Louisiana, the architectural aesthetic intentionally hearkens back to quaint, southern building vernacular, while accommodating the grand scale of the building program. The building exudes craftsmanship and attention to detail, paying tribute to early construction methods by using natural wood and aged materials. While the building reflects

Buyer’s Guide