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Church Children & Youth

How Soft Play Equipment Can Inspire Your Church Congregation

  As adults in the church congregation, we are called to guide our children in their spiritual journey through the word of God. Now that’s a tall order! How do we keep future generations engaged and inspired when they’re still learning how to “just be kids” themselves? Sunday School, church nurseries, VBS, and youth groups

How to Implement a Successful Family Survey

  Families’ opinions matter, and as their wants and needs change, it’s important for performance and growth to know. An annual family survey is a great way to gather strategic information, identify changes in expectations, connect with families, learn what is and isn’t working for the day-to-day processes, and identify areas of improvement in child

7 Essentials for Your Church Daycare

  If your church has a childcare center, you understand how certain pieces of equipment are necessary for running a safe, successful operation. No matter the size of your daycare, these seven equipment choices are essential for success. CRIBS When selecting the right cribs, consider models that can easily be converted to an evacuation crib

Why Is the Preschool Ministry Important?

  Preschool ministry is vital to the church because children are a vital part of the church. After picking up my five-year-old son from children’s church one Sunday, he took off running and cut off an older couple who were gingerly making their way to the car. Horrified, I apologized to the woman. The white-haired

Checklist for a Safe Church Nursery

  Regardless of faith and denomination, the church is intended to serve as a place of worship and a sanctuary. Anyone should be able to walk through the doors and feel assured that they are in a safe place. This may be even more applicable to churches with their own nurseries. Infants and toddlers are

Themed Experiences Are Still a Powerful Draw

  The recent announcement of Disney’s staggering $60 billion investment in their theme parks and cruise lines, along with Universal Studios’ massive national and global expansion, underscores the immense value and enduring appeal of themed experiences. This trend isn’t just confined to the entertainment industry; it holds significant relevance for other spaces, including churches. Instead

How to Have a More Intentional Mission Trip

  By Doug Franklin Your mission trip has the potential to be a great and impactful experience for the community you’ll serve and for your students. But there may be a disconnect between your goals for your trip and your students’ expectations. While you (and your students’ parents) may be excited for students to learn

8 Ways Your Church Can Gain Momentum This Summer

  The school year is nearly over, and, for many families, it’s time to take a break, sleep in, and enjoy a slower pace of life. But for churches, summer is a busy time. Children and student camps are around the corner. Vacation Bible Schools (or other summer programs) are being planned. You have volunteers

5 Steps to Recruiting Long-Term Kids Ministry Volunteers

  Recruiting kids ministry volunteers is one of the most important ways you can invest in your church community. The volunteers plant the seed for a safe, loving community that grows for years to come. Your kids ministry volunteers disciple the youngest and most impressionable members of your church. These relationships require time and devotion.

Navigating the Sunday School Curriculum Sea

  By Dianna Wiebe In the tapestry of a church community, Sunday School stands out as a colorful thread, weaving together faith, fellowship, and biblical teachings. Choosing the right Sunday School curriculum is a major decision for church leaders, Sunday School teachers, and Children’s Ministers alike. Let’s look at some practical tips to navigate the

Vacation Bible School: Prep for Next Year Now

  Are you counting down the days until your VBS kit arrives in the mail? It’s like Christmas morning for a VBS director, finally getting to open that kit! VBS is months away, and a bulk of the VBS planning doesn’t take place until closer to the event. But you can get started prepping now.

11 Ways to Create a Safe Environment for Children

  Child safety encompasses more than strict adherence to policy and procedures. It also involves creating an environment that prioritizes communication and transparency, where kids feel safe and included. Create a Supportive Atmosphere Start your time by consistently gathering together. This will help you assess the children, set the tone for yourself and your students,

Active vs. Passive Inclusive Play

  It is important to consider how children of all abilities can engage in truly meaningful and memorable play experiences in every aspect of the environment. These spaces should be crafted to encourage participation and socialization between children with and without disabilities by offering opportunities that address their physical, social-emotional, cognitive, sensory, or communication needs.

3 Keys to a Successful Childcare Program

  Although the childcare industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the United States, there is no doubt that opening a childcare center in your church can be intimidating. There are several factors to consider before embarking on this venture, but here are three things you can’t forget that will ensure the success

7 Benefits of a Child Check-In System

  What is a check-in system for a church? It’s a tool that simplifies, organizes, and secures children’s ministry operations. It enhances your ministry in several ways, from safety measures to attendance tracking to communication. No matter the size of your church, your children’s ministry needs a child check-in system. Here are the biggest benefits

Engaging Learning Spaces for the Youngest Members of the Congregation

  For many religious organizations, making facilities safe and welcoming for members’ children is a growing priority. Now, more than basic babysitting or daycare, houses of worship are updating and upgrading classrooms and community spaces to provide even the youngest children with spaces to play, create, and, most of all, learn. Here are several tips

Attract Families to Your Church with Child-Friendly Décor

  By Dave Nolan Churches today must compete for the attention of young families. The good news is that you can stand out and attract and retain more families to your congregation by enhancing your church with child-friendly activities and décor that can turn your location into a destination. Creating a space that appeals to

Creating a Child Check-In Process from Scratch

By Josiah Oslund When we sat down to create our child check-in process for our church plant over a decade ago, I was reminded of God’s words to Moses in Exodus 4:2, “What do you have in your hand?” When starting a new work, it’s often easier to see what you don’t have – rather

Measuring VBS Success

  By Amanda Lewis I love to hear stories of the wonderful things that happen during VBS. Unfortunately, there are also stories of things not so wonderful. After VBS, reviewing what worked, what did not, how God moved, where Satan was present, and much more is a key step to recognizing godly success. It is

7 Ways to Empower and Encourage Youth Before a Youth Mission Trip

  Beyond the details of planning for a youth service trip is one of its most essential elements: building enthusiasm. A youth mission trip may be one of the most positive and memorable experiences a young adult encounters. We need the youthful gifts of passion and creativity to align the church in the mission of

10 Tips for Serving at VBS This Summer

  Vacation Bible School is fun, exhilarating, and crazy all at the same time. Your church has spent weeks, if not months, preparing. And why? Because you’ll have the opportunity to impact the lives of kids and their families for eternity. No matter your area of responsibility during VBS, your job is important to the

Is Your Sunday School Kid-Friendly?

  By Charity Kauffman What makes something “kid-friendly?” There are kid-friendly restaurant menus. Kid-friendly shows on streaming platforms. Even kid-friendly couch cushions! When something is kid-friendly, it’s created with children in mind. And because it’s been so carefully curated, kids love it! For years, Sunday School and children’s church have served as kid-friendly options for

Four Safety Mistakes Your Children’s Ministry Can’t Make

  By Lynne Howard As a children’s ministry leader, I know how it feels to face issues with staffing rooms on Sundays and I know the struggle of volunteers not following policies or showing up. I’ve also dealt with parents who were upset about policies being enforced. It can be tempting to want to “bend”

5 Reasons Preschool Programming Is Not Childcare

  By Brittany Compton Every now and then, you might hear someone in your church refer to your preschool programming as “childcare.” While, yes, leaders and volunteers do take care of children in preschool ministry, many of us know it’s truly so much more than that. Your church’s preschool ministry strives to influence far beyond

The Church Nursery Makeover

  While the church nursery is one of the first ministry sites young families encounter when they visit your church, it’s likely not the first room on the list for renovations. Because it’s not the most public or frequently used space, the nursery is easy to push updates back, until you realize it’s been a

How to Choose Relevant Themes for Your Children’s Ministry Spaces

  By Addie Sorbo A big part of a successful children’s ministry program is creating fun, inviting spaces that will appeal to kids and make them excited to go to church. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking for a refresh for your church’s children’s area, choosing and implementing relevant themed spaces can be a

Adopting a Digital Check-In System

  By Alex Clay Church is place of community, and families and children are the vibrant heart of any congregation. Offering safe and easy childcare can attract new families and encourage parents to get more involved at church while their kids celebrate in their own space. A great way to ensure kids are safe is

3 Key Processes for KidMin

  By Dale Hudson Effective children’s ministries have processes in place for their key areas of ministry. They don’t just “wing it.” They know ahead of time what the steps will be for ministry situations. Let’s look at three of the key areas for which you need to have a process. Volunteers How you bring

Top COVID-Safe Activities for Youth Groups

  Planning youth group activities can be challenging, but when it comes to planning COVID-safe youth group activities, the bar gets raised even higher. Activities for church youth groups should be fun, first and foremost. Not only will this help to improve the children’s engagement, but it will also aid in the children’s development, as

5 Tips for Leading Volunteers Through a Sunday School Curriculum Change

  By David Rausch Some volunteers love change, while others are praying for the second coming of the felt board. Whenever you make a change in your KidMin, it’s critical that you keep that in mind. I learned that the hard way when I was the children’s director at my previous church, and I tried

Making a Joyful Noise

  Lakeland Reformed Church has embraced outdoor play at Lakeland Creative Beginnings Child Care with a number of outdoor musical instruments inspired by their faith. The church, located in Vicksburg, Michigan, recently purchased the Rainbow Chimes from Percussion Play, a leading manufacturer of outdoor musical instruments that has seen a steep increase this year in

Why Is VBS So Important?

  By Mimi Bullock Vacation Bible School is the perfect way to immerse visitors into your unique church culture, and VBS provides a wide opportunity for volunteers to work in children’s ministry. It’s time to shine for Jesus! Who’s ready to party? Here are three reasons why Vacation Bible School is important. #1 Hello, Jesus

Is Safety Training Within Your Children’s Ministry Intentional?

  By Josh Cramer It’s that time again. My friends and I call it the SMS or Sunday Morning Slump. It’s that time where the other kids have started to get picked up, but I’m left to sit here…bored. And, as you know, there’s NOTHING worse than being bored. And then I hear it…my name.

Planning Indoor Church Children’s Spaces into Your Building Project

  Healthy relationships with Christ are formed at an early age. The more ways children enjoy their time at church, the more opportunity they have to learn about God and the stronger that relationship can be. This means special planning is in order to ensure that your church building or renovation project includes effective children’s

Is Your Daycare Center Overlooking Critical Security Measures?

  These tactics may help boost your safety. Your worship center takes security seriously, especially when it comes to its smallest members. If you have an on-site daycare, you likely have safety protocols in place: background checks for staff, childproof locks, security cameras and alarm systems. However, your center could be overlooking one crucial safety

Thinking of Opening a Childcare Center in Your Church?

  By Leah Woodbury The decision to open a childcare center in a church is one that will have a long-term impact on your congregation. There are many regulations that daycares must follow, and opening one takes a big commitment, both in time and financial investment. If your church is considering entering the childcare industry,

What Is Your Goal for Children’s Church?

  By Heidi Franz We were meeting because she wanted to know more about quality children’s church curriculum. She sat across from me, eating her toasted bagel, hoping that as a writer of both academic and Bible curriculum for preschool-aged children and as a leader of preschool worship at my church, I would be able

Church Nursery in the Wake of a Pandemic

  By Brandi Kirkland Here are the three positions in which you’ve likely found yourself if you’re reading this article: You are planning to re-open your nursery. You have reopened your nursery, and no one is bringing you their children. You have reopened your nursery, and everyone is bringing you their children! Three different states

The Importance of Children’s Ministry Theming

  By Scott McLean The day has arrived. You heard about it from a friend, you read a great review, so you came to experience it. As you enter, you look around, soaking in the ambiance — the decorations, the wall colors, the lighting, the other people. Memories of favorite places emerge. Everyone’s seated, the

Why Teachers Should Tackle Tough Topics in Sunday School

  By Nathan Johnson “Why…why…why?” Now that’s a question kids love to ask—on repeat. They ask it day and night: when they wake up. when they’re supposed to be eating, when it’s way past bedtime. The more they ask, the more you might want to rip a pillow open and fill your ears with the

Four Factors to Have in Place When Reopening the Children’s Area

  The return of gathering in person is gaining speed, and it’s essential to think through what your strategy will look like when families begin to arrive after COVID-19. As we step into the new normal, some things might have changed, and it’s important to recognize the impact on families and create a positive first

Rethinking VBS

  The new VBS Playbook from Orange VBS spotlights nine churches and how they adapted their Vacation Bible School last year in the midst of a pandemic. The Playbook was created to walk you through all the possibilities they discovered for VBS curriculum. For all nine ideas, you can download the complete VBS Playbook by

Leading a Children’s Ministry in a Post-Pandemic World

  By Brittany Nelson A global pandemic changed the way we minister to kids and families in 2020, and we’re still working through those changes as we begin 2021. We’ve all been waiting for things to go “back to normal,” but let’s be honest, normal has now been changed forever. So, what does children’s ministry

How to Plan for 2021 VBS

  By Melita Thomas In this strange season of unprecedented circumstances, we’ve all found ourselves needing to get creative with different aspects of church ministry. Programming needs and methods have shifted, but the mission of the church has not changed. The gospel has not changed, nor has our desperate need of it. I am convinced

Keeping Kids Safe on Indoor Playground Equipment

  By Chuck Wellenberger For months now, those of us that cherish the involvement and fellowship of our local bodies of believers have had to do so virtually or with forced, sparsely populated worship services.  For parents traditionally attending services with young children, it is important to know that while we hear God’s message, our

5 Ways to Make Your Church Daycare Center Safer

  With the number of working parents increasing, daycare is becoming more and more of a relied upon service for families. Many count on their place of worship to offer daycare services for small children, but just because a daycare operates at a faith-based location doesn’t mean parents should automatically trust that their child will

Assessing Child Safety – Now Is the Time

  By Angela Lewton With the recent changes due to COVID-19 and churches reopening and planning the process to reopen, now is the time to do a child safety assessment and examine these questions: “Is my church as safe as it can be? What does child safety look like in this new normal?” As families

10 Tips for Telling a Bible Story in Preschool

  By Bethany Darwin After 15+ years of full-time children’s ministry, the highlight of my week is standing in front of a group of kids and proclaiming the truth of God’s Word. But, that hasn’t always been the case. I remember all too well feelings of fear and failure when I first started teaching, but

Nursery Room Best Practices

  Raising up future generations to carry on the mission of the church is a huge and exciting responsibility! We as church leaders want to do all we can to develop kids who are Christ-followers and disciple-makers. So, how do we create environments for this to happen that will allow for both the kids and

Mistakes Churches Make When Theming for Children

  By Joe McCullough Since the turn of the 21st century, churches across the world have embraced the idea of theming children and youth spaces to attract new visitors and foster community through intentional, purpose-driven design that teaches Biblical truths in a fun, visually rich environment. As facilities grow in size and popularity, it is

Camper to Counselor Ratio

  Have you ever allowed your kids to have a big sleepover at your house? A bunch of kids eating junk food, staying up way too late, and staggering back out to mom’s minivan at 9 a.m. with pillow and sleeping bag in tow. Do you remember what your house looked like after the dust

How to Pick a Winning Children’s Ministry Curriculum

  Is finding a new curriculum on your mind? Consider these factors to ensure you choose the best fit for your ministry. It’s that time of year when thoughts of curriculum are bouncing around in kidmins’ heads. Is what we’re using working? Is it time for something new? What else is out there? Is it

How to Sync Your Vacation Bible School with Your Church Management Software

  When it comes to Vacation Bible School, there’s usually both excitement and anxiety when you think about all that has to be done. As one of the largest outreach events at your church, planning for VBS can be overwhelming. However, utilizing a church management system for Vacation Bible School can help to make your

9 Tips for Choosing a VBS Program

  By Janelle Hoos VBS is an important part of children’s ministry. It is an opportunity to reach out to the children in your community. It’s a chance to build relationships. Most importantly, it’s an opportunity to share the gospel with children. How do you choose a VBS that will help you do that? How

Planning an Indoor Playground

  When you decide to create an indoor playground, you may be thrilled and ready to jump right into the process. It’s also perfectly normal to have a lot of questions. Questions are actually a great sign. They show you’re taking this investment seriously and planning ahead to create the best possible play space for

Growing Membership by Attracting Young Families

  By Eric Torrey Church attendance numbers in America are declining. According to Pew Research and Gallop Polls, it has been declining for several decades. This is particularly true for mid-size churches. A recent study noted that from the period 1994-2004, while the smallest churches (attendance 1-49) and the largest (2,000 plus attendees) experienced membership

The Secret to Hiring and Retaining a Great Daycare Staff

By Wendy Young One of the greatest attractions your church daycare has to offer is your teachers! So where can you dig up these hidden gems, and how can you hang onto your best childcare staff once you’ve brought them in and invested in their training? You spend time training new childcare staff – lots

9 Ways to Grow Your Preschool Ministry

By Jenny Funderburke Very few churches reach younger families without a strong preschool ministry. Here are nine practical ways to expand the number of preschool children coming to your church. 1. Do it well. It will be virtually impossible to grow your preschool ministry if you are doing it halfway. Evaluate, identify challenges, and then

Creating a Peaceful Nursery at Church

By Mimi Bullock Nursery ministry is so special. What a joy to minister to little ones the love and peace of God! One of the most important things we can hope for in a church nursery is a holy peace. That doesn’t mean babies won’t cry and parents won’t agonize over leaving their babies behind,

7 Simple Summer Ideas for Student Ministry

By Tim Price In many ways, summers can still be carefree for students. Of course, there is some travel and sports, but not every student is gone every day. Summer months provide a great opportunity to build relationships, form community, be out a bit later, enjoy some warmer weather activities and help keep students connected.

Managing Your Children’s Ministry During Summer

  This article originally appeared in the March 2013 issue. By Mimi Bullock Mimi Bullock writes for, a resource started by Tony Kummer to solve children’s ministry problems. The last day of school means freedom and fun for kids; for the children’s minister, it marks the beginning of a season of low attendance and

Fundraising for Your Youth Group

From mission trips to summer camps to church concerts, your youth group ministry probably has a whole list of projects and activities you want to raise money for. Let’s face it, fundraising can be difficult for youth groups without the right ideas to grab the attention of the entire congregation and express your need. But

9 Things That Happen When You Forget Ministry Vision

By Tony Kummer Lately I’ve visited the children’s ministry in some small churches. A common theme is clear — in all the scramble to do ministry, they often lack clear goals and vision for their programs. My observation — we need a map to know if we’re on the right path or losing our way.

74 Tips for a Great Vacation Bible School

   This article was originally published in the December 2007 issue.   It is courtesy of Vacation Bible School Nut, If you’re reading this article, you’re excited, scared, nervous, or a combination of all three. You’re about to embark on a thrilling journey, because there’s no greater outreach ministry to children than Vacation Bible School.

The Importance of Setting Goals for Vacation Bible School

  This article originally appeared in the December 2009 issue. By Peg Arnold Peg Arnold is VBS editor for Regular Baptist Press, Vacation Bible School is more than a few days of fun for kids and more than a week of Bible stories and crafts, games and snacks, singing, laughter, and lots of fun.

10 VBS Ideas to Infuse Strategic Thinking Into Your Church

By Scott Ball As a kid, I have very few memories more vivid than of spending a week in Vacation Bible School. I would attend two weeks: one at my church and one at my best friend’s church. I remember the week at my friend’s church the most because it was different. As a part

Adding Indoor Recreation to Your Children's Ministry

By Grant Davies Increasingly, vibrant children’s ministries have shown to play a significant role in the maintenance and growth of worshipers within a church congregation. Both feedback and experience indicate the importance of creating a space within a church for children to learn, move and grow which in turn creates a sense of excitement and

8 Tips to Secure Your Church Daycare

By Jason Maddox There are many cost-effective ways to secure your church daycare or preschool facility. In this article, we share eight best practices for church daycare security using a combination of policies, procedures and technology to protect the children and employees in your care. 1. Develop Policies & Procedures Manual If you don’t already

How to Choose the Best Sunday School Curriculum

By Nathan Johnson Finding the best Sunday School curriculum can be a challenge. It’s not for a lack of options. It’s more often for lack of clarity. Amidst all the options, what should you really be looking for in your next choice of curriculum? I’ve been involved in Sunday School ministry for more than a

4 Simple Steps to Engage Children in Worship

By Kristen Greene “How do we engage children in church?” This age-old question remains at the forefront for almost every children’s ministry leader, parent and pastor. And if you’ve ever sat up late at night, cutting out the gazillionth piece for some Pinterest craft that seemed like the perfect idea for kids, you may have

Nursery Room Floorcare Challenges

By Matt Morrison There are several types of floors that church properties can select from for their nurseries. Many select carpet. It helps “quiet” a nursery room. Plus, we now know that carpet absorbs airborne pollutants, helping to prevent them from being inhaled, which helps protect health. Carpet also helps prevent slip and fall accidents from occurring and is softer under

Getting the Most from Your Themed Environment

By Paulla Shetterly A properly planned and executed themed environment can be an effective tool for any church aiming to recruit new members or bring back former attendees. It’s well understood that the children’s ministry is a key growth engine for any church, and a great way to engage this vital demographic is by articulating

Church Summer Reading Programs for Children

By Kristin Charles Libraries all over the nation conduct summer reading programs, so why shouldn’t we? There is a plethora of quality literature out there and children looking for something to do. All they need is a little encouragement! Goals Summer reading allows children to maintain skills and develop a lifelong love for books. Reading

Creating a Welcoming Environment for Children's Ministry

By Kristin Charles Maybe I just have a thing for aesthetics, but there is something to be said for a warm and welcoming environment. Have you ever walked into a classroom that invites you in with color and comfort and encouragement? These places of learning are organized, interactive, and vibrant. On the walls, you’ll find

Vacation Bible School for All Ages?

  This article originally appeared in the December 2011 issue. By Jonathan Norris Jonathan Norris is marketing coordinator for Regular Baptist Press, Are you looking for an event that brings the whole church together and results in spiritual and numerical growth in one week’s time? Consider Vacation Bible School for all ages! The benefits

9 Practical Tips for Teaching Vacation Bible School

By Brandon Bramlett Being one of the greatest evangelistic outreaches from the local church, Vacation Bible School takes a lot of planning, promotion, and preparation. There are cooks, counselors, decorators, teachers, and many other positions to fill to make VBS a success. I have a passion for teaching and for training teachers, and below I

How to Effectively Include Children's Indoor Play Spaces in Your Church Design

The church building is designed to minister to people of all ages, and one of the most important age groups to consider while planning is the children. The Barna Group indicates that “nearly half of all Americans who accept Jesus Christ as their Savior do so before reaching the age of 13, and that two

Benefits of an Indoor Play Structure

By Grant Davies The addition of a soft, self-contained indoor play structure offers many benefits to a religious facility, such as increased membership, greater enjoyment of experience and improved play and activity value. In an increasingly competitive world where every organization is vying for an advantage, adding a play structure play structure to a church

Five Things Parents Look for in a Daycare

Parents realize the importance of selecting the right care facility for their children since their choice of childcare center will have a major impact on their children’s lives. They want a place where their children will be comfortable and have fun, but that will also benefit and assist with their child’s development. Here are five

10 Ways to Bond with Preschoolers in Your Ministry

By Wayne Stocks I love preschoolers. They’re just a whole lot of fun, and they provide a mostly blank canvas. I love their energy. I love their excitement. I love their thirst and hunger for knowledge. I love their innocent view of the world. Spend the morning with a room full of preschoolers, and you

Equipping Your Restrooms and Nurseries for Babies

By Amy Seretsky About 10 years ago, a New York man wrote columnist Dear Abby (Abigail Van Buren) the following letter: Dear Abby, I’m a single father of an 18-month-old and am wondering why so many public places have no baby-changing stations available in areas where men can use them. I find it hard to

How to Protect Children in Church Nurseries

  This article originally appeared in the October 2007 issue. By Kevin Hosey Kevin Hosey is marketing director for Long Range Systems, Since 1993, LRS has been providing on-site paging and management systems to churches and other industries worldwide. I have been attending churches since I was a little boy. Besides renewing my faith

Theming Your Facility

By Paulla Shetterly Church leaders throughout America search for ways to reach and inspire the “unchurched generation.” They invest a large amount of time and energy developing approaches for inviting those persons searching into church. As they strive to recruit new members or returning former attendees, these leaders also look for methods that effectively articulate

10 Keys for Evaluating Children's Ministry Curriculum

By Steven Knight When was the last time you evaluated your children’s ministry curriculum? If it’s not quite as effective as you would like, then perhaps it’s a good time to take a look at other curriculum options. If you’re not sure where to start, then take a look at these 10 keys for evaluating

Flatland Kids' Ministry and Self-Service Kiosks

By Kelsie M. Collins Flatland Group is a church in Omaha, Nebraska, that is affiliated with the Assemblies of God. AG is a worldwide network of Christian churches that has approximately 52+ million members in 212 countries. Churches have been teaming up this way as a means to share resources with one another to support

Serving Others: Summer Program Ideas for Kids

By Emily Mullens Planning a Serving Others Summer (SOS) can be a fun way to connect to the community, serve others, and bring the church family together. These are very simple ideas you can carry out quickly. Print water bottle labels with a Bible verse and your church information and pass out at a local

5 Reasons Why Kids Need Children's Church

By Mimi Bullock Children’s church or big church? That is the question many parents are asking lately. When I began in ministry back in 1997, children’s churches weren’t wildly popular in my area, but, over the years, the trend has caught on. Now I am happy to report we have some amazing ministries that reach

The Value of Your Sunday School Ministry

  This article originally appeared in the October 2012 issue. By Mimi Bullock Mimi Bullock writes for, a resource started by Tony Kummer to solve children’s ministry problems. There has been a lot of discussion in my circle of friends recently about the necessity of Sunday School. I’ve been working in children’s ministry for

Making the Most of Your VBS Experience

  This article originally appeared in the December 2006 issue. By Mary Grace Becker Mary Grace Becker is senior product developer for NexGen Team, a division of Cook Communications Ministries, The month of December with its bright Christmas lights and thermometer dip may not seem the best time to think about Vacation Bible School.

Reinventing Sunday School for the 21st Century

  This article first appeared in the April 2006 issue. By Roger Theimer and Mike Heinz Dr. Roger Theimer is the author of Kingdom Quest, a children’s ministry curriculum available over the Internet,  Mike Heinz is the director of family ministries at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Omaha, Nebraska.  When you hear Sunday

Safe Nurseries, Safe Toys

  This article originally appeared in the June 2005 issue. By Lynda Freeman Lynda Freeman has been in children’s ministry for 33 years and is a curriculum consultant, curriculum writer and freelance writer. You can visit her on the Web at We all want our church nurseries to be a place where children are